Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Reality of Fukushima - Momoko Fukuoka's Voice

It's 2020 and God has given us new life.
This day we are living will only dawn once, never to be repeated again. Everything in nature is growing and progressing as we move into the future. This includes our lives, our bodies, and all living creatures. Nobody can prevent this progress. Each of us born on this Earth are born with a purpose given to us by God.
Not only us, but all Earth's living creatures are watched over and guided by none other than God himself. Impinging on, hurting, or denying the rights of others is to disobey God and to go against his authority.
When I was little, my mother would tell me "Buddha is watching." I grew up with a Zen Buddhist upbringing. In high school I entered a mission school and was introduced to Christ's teachings for the first time. I came to love God and lived in a convent for 32 years, from the age of 22 to 54, only leaving into the outside world after accepting an invitation from God to go out and create a "House of Healing". As I was passing through the gates on the way out of the convent, this is what God said to me: "There is only one important thing. That is to value life and love one another. There is nothing more important than this."
Today I would like to share with you some of God's word.
《God's Word》
"My children, please listen. You must not take life lightly.
Why did I create mankind? It was for you to have a dialogue with Me (God).  It was so that you could be my companions and share your hearts with God.
 I gave mankind both a body and a soul (spirit). I created heaven and earth for humankind and I entrusted them to you. 
This bond of friendship with God brings glory to all life on heaven and earth.
My children, please listen.
I am troubled with sadness and grief. Why do you turn away and not come back to me? Why do you deny my existence? You must love one another. You must value all life, no matter how small.
All life belongs to God, so you must not take it away. You must not harm others.
My beloved children, grow to be loving people with kind hearts. My children whom I love, humble yourselves.
Know yourselves and what kind of people you are. Love the poor, be kind, and learn to put others first. Think of one another as brothers, and love each other as family.
My children, know the presence of God.
My children, the life of this world passes quickly.
My children, this world is brief and the days of your life are numbered.
Know the presence of God and regard that presence with awe and reverence; fear the Lord.
Know that the days of your life are numbered.
Be kind to others, be strict with yourself, love the poor, be a friend to the poor, and become a source of comfort to others. Do not hold ill will in your heart, do not quarrel and fight, but rather know that heaven and earth belong to the Lord.
Do not harm one another, but rather treat each other like brothers and love one another.
Please let this new year be a year of peace, free from wars. Save those who are suffering, give aid to those who are sick, and help those who are struggling financially. Those blessed with much should share their wealth. Treat all mankind as your brothers and sisters. Make this year a peaceful one. 
Please put your hands together in prayer. Pray to God Almighty. I am the Lord your God.
I am always with you, inside you, by your side, supporting and guiding you. Please turn your hearts back to your Creator who made you from nothing and gave you life.  I am the Lord your God.
Walk without fear. I am by your side at all times. I will turn your sorrow, sadness, and grief into a treasure of joy. This world is brief.
Place your hope in eternal life.
I am the Lord your God.
Eternal life. The day that the pain of this world will be turned into treasure.  
The day when tears will be turned to joy.
The day when you will stand face to face with God.
Surely those who have rebelled against God will purify themselves and repent.
I do not wish for anyone to perish.
My children, please repent. Please repent while there is still time.
I do not wish for anyone to perish.
My children whom I love.
Please repent.
So that none may perish.
I ask you sincerely.
Children of men, repent!
(January 9th, 2020 at 4:30)